Three Cornered Copse

Update December 2021
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December 2021

Fall in the Copse

As usual, the wintry nights and dark evenings have suddenly crept up on us and the daylight hours are squeezed as we move into mid December.

display of autumn colours

Three Cornered Copse has exhibited a splendid display of autumn colours this year, helped by relatively mild conditions and moderate winds, helping to keep the leaves on their branches while they turn to gold. Thankfully the dry conditions mean the paths are not quite as muddy as they can be at this time of year, so still passable in all places.

The birds and squirrels are busy attending to the abundant autumn fruits; this year there are hundreds of (grey) squirrels in the woods, proving great entertainment for the dogs who are walking there. Some interesting bird species are found here. One of our members spotted an albino blackbird recently. (It is just like a normal blackbird, but with a mottled white head, but still quite rare.)

We have probably completed our work days for 2021, after the stuttering start through lockdown in the early part of the year. In late November we tidied and cleared paths, picked up litter, and took down some of the precarious branches that were waiting to fall.

Thankfully, fly tipping has only occasionally been a relatively infrequent problem in Three Cornered Copse, but ever since houses have been built along its boundaries, rubble, bricks and non-native garden waste has found Its way into the woods. Because of its slightly wild appearance, it seems folks think it less offensive to dump waste over the boundary, rather than disposing of it legally. The copse is a public park in the same way as, say, Hove Park, where no-one would think of tipping a wheelbarrow of garden waste. Unfortunately the council have had to enforce the rules on several occasions lately. In the time where care for our environment should be high on our agenda, the disposal of waste should be more thoughtful and considerate for users of our green spaces.

Another Toads Hole Valley amendment has been published, in November, and it lists a few changes to the huge scheme, which will transform our neighbourhood. Much of it concerns the modification of traffic flow in the two main arterial roads which bracket the copse. Well worth a look for those of us concerned with looking after this precious green space.

In the meantime, have a very peaceful Christmas, from The Friends of Three Cornered Copse.

Simon Baxendale