Minutes of Three Cornered Copse AGM 2024

Date:                  29th August 2024
Location:The Poets Ale and Smokehouse, Hove
Present:Simon Baxendale, Ruth Baxendale, Helen Varley, Matt Duffell, Sue Batey, Kevin Potter, Helena Potter, Stephen Batey, Simon Llewellyn, Loraine Blakeney, Pete Blakeney, Jim Reid, Councillor Emma Hogan, Councillor Ivan Lyons
Chair:Simon Baxendale
Minutes:Helena Potter

1.     The minutes of the 2023 AGM were read and approved.

2.     There were no matters arising from the 2023 AGM minutes.

3.     Chair’s report.

There have been several workdays through the year, well-attended and with the presence and support of Cityparks rangers for which we were grateful. Tasks were mostly clearing of paths by cutting back brambles and overhanging branches. There was not much ash-dieback clearance in the copse this year.

Some of the group are litter-pickers who do this on an almost daily basis and thanks go to them.

Thanks also go to Dave Botibol for upkeep of our website, to Helen as our membership secretary, to Matt as our treasurer, to Ruth as our bringer of tea, biscuits and cheer to our workdays and to all members who attend them. Councillors Ivan and Emma were welcomed to the meeting and thanked for their support in attending and for their attendance at workdays.

It was noted that we have 458 Facebook followers and 98 members.

4.     Treasurer’s report.

At the start of the year the balance in our account was £1131.76.

After expenses of £25.54 for website maintenance the balance at the end of the year was £1106.22.

5.     A discussion and update from our councillors, Ivan and Emma, was held concerning the twitten leading from Woodland Drive into the copse. The current position is that Brighton and Hove council are working to resolve the situation and re-open the twitten as soon as possible with the full support of our councillors. It was noted that the Friends have no extra powers to influence this.

6.     AOB

Ivan asked if anyone present was aware of when the hedges on the copse side of Woodland Drive gardens were last cropped by the council after an enquiry by a resident. Nobody was aware of any work by the council in recent years on this.

Cityparks will be approached for information on the matter by Ivan.

The upkeep of our website was discussed. It was decided that it is a valuable online presence especially for those who do not access Facebook and that we would continue with it.

Sue suggested storage containers for tools on the copse similar to those used by the tidy up team at the seafront. This could be an option if the friends purchase tools in the future. However, the threat of vandalism to the containers was also noted. Ivan mentioned that the planning application for an Aldi supermarket off the bypass at the top of the copse may be passed at the next council planning meeting in September. He and Emma have requested that, if so, it should be with the condition that the copse is unaffected by this with no construction equipment etc to be used or left on it. This should also include no land-grab for the purposes of the junction into the site.

It was decided to advertise membership of the Three Cornered Copse to the local community to bring new and younger people in.

7.     Election of Officers All officers were re-elected.

Simon Baxendale – Chair

Helen Varley – Membership Secretary

Matt Duffell – Treasurer

8.     Date of next AGM will be August 2025 date tbc