Friends of the Three Cornered Copse Constitution
The group shall be known as “Friends of Three Cornered Copse” To promote, enhance and conserve the well being of Three Cornered Copse.

Open to all that use, or have an interest in, the continued well being of Three Cornered Copse and its surrounding area.
All members have equal standing with no special privileges for any particular interest group.
The management of the group shall be vested in a committee of not more than six members elected annually at each AGM. The committee shall at its first meeting elect a chairperson, an honorary secretary and an honorary treasurer. Three members of the committee shall form a quorum and the committee may co-opt members as required. Two members of the committee shall be appointed as ‘Trustees’ of the group’s affairs and have the authority to administer the finances of the group.
The financial year shall begin on the first day of April and end on the last day of March each year.
One membership equals one vote.
The committee may call a general meeting, with 14 days notice. Any five members may also call a meeting (in writing to the hon. secretary with not less than 21 days notice) quoting a time and venue having been booked and paid for by them prior to the meeting.
The committee shall be responsible for the interpretation and administration of these rules and shall have the authority to make any temporary modification or new rule, as they deem necessary. Such temporary modifications or new rules must be ratified at the next General Meeting or cease to be in effect if not so ratified.
No permanent alteration to these rules shall be made without the sanction of a General meeting.
The group will have no political or contentious affiliations and will not endorse any promotion or activity outside the interests of the group.
The committee shall have the right to organise fund-raising activities on behalf of the group by various appropriate means
For insurance purposes Workdays will be covered so long as a Brighton & Hove Council Ranger is present. If at a point in the future Workdays are to be held without a Ranger present then the committee will purchase appropriate insurance cover against accident to members and third party claims resulting from members working at Three Cornered Copse.
Adopted at open meeting in April 2009