Three Cornered Copse

Update December 2024
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Update for 'The Hovarian' magazine
from the Friends of Three Cornered Copse
December 2024

Winter in the Copse

After nearly a year of closure, last month the twitten from Woodland Drive to Three Cornered Copse was finally re-opened. To the great relief of Hove Park and Goldstone Valley residents this well used thoroughfare is back in use. The businesses in Woodland Parade were rather pleased too.

the leaves on the trees in the woodland

Thanks to the local campaigners and the councillors who became involved, the rather complex process of establishing the twitten's ownership (it wasn't listed as a council pathway, until now), arranging contractors, and the funding, then clearing the twitten and actually repairing the fence and wall, happened smoothly and swiftly, leaving the neighbourhood wondering why it had taken so long.

This whole saga was caused by Storm Ciarán in October 2023. In contrast to those storms last year, we have had several weeks of mild, calm weather, with very little wind. which has left the leaves on the trees in the woodland, presenting a wonderful scene of a golden brown autumn. The beech trees have covered the woodland floor with a spectacular carpet in shades of gold. It's well worth a visit before the next winds arrive to shake the leaves to the ground.

We have one more workday planned for this year on December 6th. It will be a session of maintenance and path clearing before the winter months arrive. In winter we rarely have workdays unless some storm damage or other weather event needs our attention. This time our notice boards need de-brambling once again.

It's been a splendid season for brambles, which have taken over in some areas where the reduced canopy has allowed more light through to the floor. We have two or three boxes for leaflets, which are no longer in use, and need removing. There are other ways of advertising the Friends group these days, rather than using paper leaflets. The entrance lane from Goldstone Crescent is well used but has grown some large bushes and trees which will block the space next spring unless we tackle the growth. Several years ago we built a woodland staircase from the higher twitten from Woodland Avenue, and this is now in need of some attention.

In short, there's plenty to do, so all are welcome on the workday.

If we don't see you then, have a very merry and peaceful Christmas, from all of the Friends of Three Cornered Copse.

Simon Baxendale