Three Cornered Copse

News 2010
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9 December 2010 - The snow may have stopped us having our Workday last week but it made the copse look magical.

Snow-covered bough Snow-covered slope

19 November 2010 - We had a very good Workday last Saturday and managed to get all 12 Silver Birches planted out.

Silver Birches planted

We would like to thank the Council and in particular the gardeners of Hove Park for all the preparatory work they had very kindly done for us in clearing the brambles, digging out old sycamore tree roots and preparing the holes for the new trees. The ground around the new trees currently looks rather bare but by spring there should be a lot of new growth.

Spindleberry Do check out the lingering autumn colour in the copse and in particular at the top of the copse the Spindleberry trees are reaching their peak with masses of bright pink berries which look fantastic in the sun.

Picture thanks to Carol Jarvis

Coronation Stone 24 September 2010 – IT IS BACK!! – the Coronation Stone was returned to its plinth this morning. It is looking pristine with every word standing out crystal clear. Do go and have a look and see what you think.

Privet Hawk-moth (sphinx ligustri)
Privet Hawk-moth (sphinx ligustri)

4 September 2010 – A lot more work was done to clear the lower path which is now looking very good. When clearing some of the dead wood a large green caterpillar was discovered. Park Ranger Paul was very excited by this find as it was a Privet Hawk-moth (sphinx ligustri) caterpillar and this is the largest caterpillar found in Britain.

24 July 2010 – Park Ranger Paul led a very successful and most informative walk through the copse which was enjoyed by all who attended.

23 July 2010 – Have you noticed the Coronation Stone has gone? Tilley’s the Stone Masons came to collect it this morning for renovation. Hopefully it will be back in 6 – 8 weeks.

3 July 2010 – A lot of hard work was put into clearing the lower path down to the Goldstone Crescent entrance to the Copse. There is still much to be done in this area if we are to really open up the lower path.

3 May 2010 – A very successful Workday learning how to construct an Ash and Hazel fence under the expert guidance of Park Ranger Paul. The fence is protecting the area where we planted the wild flowers back in March.

30 April 2010 – GOOD NEWS!! We have just heard that we have been granted the £900 funding we applied for through the Hedgecock Bequest, for the renovation of the Coronation Stone and 12 new Silver Birches to replenish the commemorative Grove of Silver Birches.