Three Cornered Copse

News 2011
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we tidied up the area round the Silver Birches
Saturday 29 October 2011 - we had a very good Work Session with 14 members putting in a lot of hard work to lay the path between the two twittens from Woodland Avenue to Woodland Drive, this involved putting in an edging of logs and then in-filling with wood-chips. Will, our Park Ranger, cut down a couple of Sycamore saplings, which are very prolific in the copse, to provide the logs for the edging. The path is not yet finished but we have already received quite a lot of favourable comments from people who regularly walk through this area to get to the shops and bus stop at the bottom of Shirley Drive. We also did a lot of general clearance work in this area and, as always, litter picking!!

Will, our Park Ranger, cut down a couple of Sycamore saplings general clearance work

18 members came to help at a very successful Work Session on Saturday 3 September 2011- We built some steps to link the top of the middle path with the upper path so we don't all have to slide down the mud slope which results from the winter rains!


We also put in a Notice Board on the green by the Dyke Road Avenue entrance on which we will display information about Friends of the 3 Cornered Copse and any events taking place in the copse.
Notice Board

A lot of effort was put into clearing the over-hanging branches and shrubs which were obscuring the view from the bench at the top of the green, so now you can once again sit on the bench and look over Brighton and Hove to the sea, even the bench itself is looking better as over the summer the Council renovated all the benches in the copse, sanding them down and revarnishing them.

we tidied up the area round the Silver Birches
Saturday 18 June 2011 - The rains cleared, the sun shone and we had a very good Work-session where we managed to get a lot of the black plastic cleared from round the trees at the top of the copse. In addition we tidied up the area round the Silver Birches, pulling up a lot of weeds and cutting back the new growth of brambles and sycamores - most of the silver birches seem to be surviving quite well, despite the incredibly dry weather from April to June, one of them is looking a little sick but then some young people had tried to bend it right over and it has lost quite a bit of bark near the base, hopefully it will be ok.

barbecue and picnic in the sunshine
After the work-session we had an excellent barbecue and picnic sitting in the sunshine at the bottom of the green, we drank to the Coronation Stone and the newly planted Silver Birches, and we all enjoyed ourselves very much.

13 April 2011 - We had a very productive Workday on 2 April when our Ranger Will Furze showed us how to build a rustic bench - this has already proved a welcome resting place at the top of the green where people can sit and take in the fantastic view over the town to the sea - some hard work was also put in clearing the brambles behind the wild-flower meadow and sowing grass seed around the silver birches.

Will and Brian just after the support posts had been put in some of the members who came to help resting on/around the bench when it was finished

9 February 2011 - It may still be cold and grey but there are signs of spring everywhere in the copse, look out for the clumps of snowdrops and the fresh green of the new catkins.

Snowdrops Catkins

23 January 2011 - We now have a new Park Ranger for the copse, Will Furze, who has had extensive training in many aspects of Woodland Management, which will be very useful to us in our endeavours to look after the Three Cornered Copse.

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