November 2014 - We had a very wet Work Session last Saturday (22 November 2014) but amazingly 7 people turned out despite the rain and we were able to do some of the work we had planned. The main task was to put in a lot of daffodil bulbs up on the top green near the fences at the back of the houses at the top of King George VI Drive, hopefully they will brighten up that area in the spring and compliment the daffodils on the raised bank which borders Dyke Road Avenue near the roundabout. We were also able to cut back some of the brambles which were encroaching on to the green slope, this will be an ongoing job as they do grow back rather rapidly and we did get some litter picking done, again a never ending task. Our ranger Garry put down some wood-chippings round the base of the natural wood bench at the top of the green as the ground beneath the bench had become very eroded.
The endless wet weather of the last few weeks has made the copse very, very muddy and in some parts very slippery so walking can be quite hazardous, certainly we did not see as many dog walkers as usual on Saturday though this may also be due to the fact that when running and playing in the copse the dogs are getting covered in mud ! Towards the end of the morning we did get some snippets of sunshine and at least we were able to have our coffee in the dry, though we were already to dive into the very large natural wood house/den which somebody has kindly built in the woodland at the top of the copse, it even has a little table and bench seat inside.
Saturday 28 June 2014 - was the first of our summer Work Sessions, sadly we had to spend a lot os time clearing the mass of very large weeds which have sprung up around the Silver Birches, this is the area we cleared a couple of months ago and where we scattered the Meadow Mix which was supposed to give us a lovely display of grasses and wild flowers, it seems that removing the turf and clearing ground just made the conditions ideal for the weeds which were dormant in the ground - we still hope that some of the wild flowers may survive and come up next spring but we my just have to accept that it is not a good site for the Meadow Mix.
The Work Session was followed by our usual Summer barbecue and picnic, we were really lucky with the weather as despite the forecast the rain held off and we had a lovely warm,dry day and were able to enjoy our lunch in the copse.
1 May 2014 - As the Copse was so wet until late March the Council Staff were unable to prepare the ground around the Silver Birches for seeding with Meadow Mix so our work session on 5th. April focussed mainly on trying to clear the mass of litter which had accumulated over the winter and cutting back some of the dead wood and overhanging branches from fallen trees which were blocking parts of the paths.
The following week Will, our Park Ranger, and his colleague Chantelle were able to get up to the copse and start clearing the ground around the Silver Birches, some members of the Committee went up as soon as this was done and scattered the seed so hopefully by mid to late June the grasses and wild flowers will be brightening the copse.
The 9th. of April was a glorious sunny day and the flowering shrubs in the copse were looking beautiful, in particular the Spindleberry at the top of the copse, which produces those lovely pink berries in autumn, was in full bloom and its delicate white blossom looked fantastic against the blue sky. The Copse is full of Bluebells at the moment, most of these are Spanish Bluebells which are now quite well established and forming large clumps throughout the woodland however our English Bluebells are settling in at the top of the copse, it will be a number of years before they get fully established but already they are more noticeable than last year. Looking forward to seeing you at our next Work Session on Saturday 28 June 2014, which hopefully will be followed by our usual Summer Picnic and Barbecue.
18 February 2014 - Have just looked back at the picture of the brilliant colour in the copse in December, very different to how it is now. The endless rain has turned the copse into a bit of a mud bath and made it very difficult for the dog walkers as the ground is so slippery and the dogs are just getting covered in mud !! nevertheless there are signs of spring, the snowdrops we planted round the copper beech are now flowering,
the catkins are out and many of the trees and shrubs are showing evidence of new growth. Sadly we had to cancel our February Work Session because of the bad weather but we are hoping that at our Work Session on Saturday 5 April 2014 we will be able to put in the meadow mix of wild flowers and grasses around the Silver Birches.
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